lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Your Last Holidays

My last holiday was 5 months ago. I traveled with my groom to Churin and we spend 3 amazing days in that town. Churin is 6 hours from Lima and it has a dry weather. As soon as we arrive we were very exiting to visit “Baños Termales” because we heard many good think about it. We visit 3 “Baños Termales” call “Chiuchin, Picoy and Huamahuarni” all of them had clean water and they had almost 4 different temperatures which make you feel relax in every bath you took. Our holiday was so relaxing and beautiful. Not only because the “Baños Temales” but also because the scenery was incredible with the sun shinning and light cold wind and the typical dishes are delicious. As always happen, there are bad points. One of them is the accommodation in the main square which is not comfortable because the rooms are so small that you feel as a rabbit inside them and also they are expensive. Another thing is the transportation to get there. The cars are not in a well condition to travel. Anyway, we are planning to travel there for Independence Day.

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